Just 4 Fun

Just 4 Fun

A collaboration between Alex Wilkinson & Kelsy Sullivan


September 2021


Just 4 Fun banner

Alex Wilkinson


Kelsy Sullivan



Alex and Kelsy profile


It was December 2017. After several months of hitchhiking down Australia's East Coast, Kelsy and I found ourselves in Melbourne. The plan was to find a job and settle for a while.


Plans don't always work out.


Despite my very best efforts, I struggled to find a job that chimed with my new-found sense of adventure, until Kelsy spotted a typewriter in a bazaar and suggested that I take to the streets writing poetry for people. My initial reluctance turned to excitement, and we spent the next couple of weeks preparing to be street artists.


Just 4 Fun poem



Kelsy would paint, and I would poem, thus Paint and Poems was born!


Envelope designed by Kelsy Sullivan


Poems by Post is an evolution of the art that Kelsy and I used to make on the streets, and without Kelsy's support and belief, Poems by Post would not be what it is - nor where it is - today. You can check out more of Kelsy's work on Instagram.


Arwork by Kelsy Sullivan



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